The University of Iowa
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Department of Physics and Astronomy

                                      029:081:AAA  Introductory Physics I (A)

                                                   Spring  Semester 2013

                                        Instructor: Prof. Yannick Meurice


Prof. Yannick Meurice

Course Content and Audience 

Classical mechanics (kinematics, dynamics, energy and momentum conservation, rotational kinematics and dynamics),  thermodynamics and waves. The emphasis in this course is on the rigorous structure of classical physics and the development of the ability to solve problems. This course is intended for engineering students and other non-physics students who desire a course with calculus. 

Times for midterm exams

will be held from 6:30-8:30pm in MH AUD on:

Thursday, February 14, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013

(labs and discussions for 029:081are cancelled during the exam weeks)

22M:025  or 22M:031 (Calculus I: limits, continuity, differentiation, rate of change, applications of the derivative including curve sketching, indefinite and definite integrals, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, area and volume).
Required Textbooks

Homework are assigned each week and graded using Wileyplus. You need to register in order to login and view the assignments.
You need to pay (but don't pay twice!). For help, see It is the student  responsibility to keep up with the assignments by regularly checking on Wileyplus. In order to take into account personal circumstances, the four lowest grades will be dropped.
The homework are assigned on each Friday and due the Wednesday after. In order to take into account possible technical problems with the server and personal circumstances, a grace period of 24 hours is routinely granted (but we are not responsible for issues occurring solely during the grace period).

All emails regarding homework should be directed to

The homework and the three midterms each result in a grade where 20 means a perfect score. The lowest of these four grades will be dropped in the calculation of the final grade.

Tutorial Room

Help will be available  from the tutorial room 310 VAN (TILE Room)  (see schedule  for periods of time available).

Drop/Add slips

Please visit the Physics General Office at 203 VAN
Departmental policy states that the instructor cannot sign drop/add slips for courses with a course number less than 100.


Students need the lab manual: Experiments in Mechanics, Wave Motion and Heat (lab manual for 29:011, 29:027 and 29:081).
Students who have already completed the labs don't need to repeat the lab and can transfer their grade (they should go to our main office in 203 VAN as soon as possible or contact


Week starting on
Approximate Chapters in textbook
No Labs, No discussions
2, 3
Measurement M1
Kinematics M2
Midterm 1on 2/14; No Labs, No discussions
Projectile Motion
Acceleration, Force M4
Conservation of Energy M5
Collisions in 2D M6
Spring Break

Moment of Inertia M7
Midterm 2 on 4/4; No Labs, No discussions
Conservation of Angular Momentum M8
Simple Harmonic Motion M9
Standing Waves W2
Midterm 3 on 5/2; No Labs, No discussions
19, 20
No Labs


Contact information and office hours of the Teaching Assistants  can be found here.

Midterms Exams

The dates for the midterms are: 2/14, 4/4 and 5/2 (all in McBride Hall 6:30-8:30 PM).
Due to the large number of students, strict rules had to be imposed.
No calculators, no translators allowed during the exam. No bags, backpacks, sunglasses or caps in the auditorium. (If this is not possible there will be room in the front of the lecture hall for you to store your bag until your exam is completed). Scrap paper and formula sheets will be provided. Missed exams are regulated  by CLAS policies. Students who have a valid reason to miss an exam must communicate with the instructor before the exam takes place.

Examinations and Final Grade

The final grade will be based on the lab (15 percent), the three best grades out of the homework and the three midterms (60 percent), and the final (25 percent).   The final dates will be provided by the registrar in February   (see final exam schedule).

PHYS:1611:0AAA (029:081:AAA)
PHYS:1611:0BBB (029:081:BBB)
Introductory Physics I Mon 5/13/2013
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

I follow closely the College recommendations for grade distributions.

Class Attendance

Attendance at lectures is strongly recommended.
You are encouraged to ask questions during the lectures. There are no ``stupid questions''.
Given the large number of students in the lecture room, students are required to keep the noise level minimal.


The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Policies and Procedures

Administrative Home
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the administrative home of this course and governs matters such as the add/drop deadlines, the second-grade-only option, and other related issues. Different colleges may have different policies. Questions may be addressed to 120 Schaeffer Hall or see the CLAS Academic Handbook.


Electronic Communication
University policy specifies that students are responsible for all official correspondences sent to their standard University of Iowa e-mail address ( Students should check their account frequently. (Operations Manual, III.II.15. 2. k.11.)

Academic Fraud
Plagiarism and any other activities when students present work that is not their own are academic fraud and are considered by the College to be a very serious matter. Academic fraud is reported by the instructor to the departmental DEO who enforces the departmental consequences. The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum is also informed. The Associate Dean enforces collegiate consequences which may included suspension or expulsion. See the CLAS Academic Handbook.

Making a Suggestion or a Complaint
Students with a suggestion or complaint should first visit the instructor, then the course supervisor and the departmental Associate chair. Paul Kleiber. Complaints must be made within six months of the incident. See the CLAS Academic Handbook.  

Accommodations for Disabilities
A student seeking academic accommodations should register with Student Disability Services and meet privately with the course instructor to make particular arrangements. For more information, visit this site.

Understanding Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment subverts the mission of the University and threatens the well-being of students, faculty, and staff. All members of the UI community have a responsibility to uphold this mission and to contribute to a safe environment that enhances learning. Incidents of sexual harassment should be reported immediately. See the UI Comprehensive Guide on Sexual Harassment at for assistance, definitions, and the full University policy.

Reacting Safely to Severe Weather
In severe weather, the class members should seek shelter in the innermost part of the building, if possible at the lowest level, staying clear of windows and free-standing expanses. The class will continue if possible when the event is over. (Operations Manual, IV. 16.14. Scroll down to sections e and i for severe weather information.)

*The CLAS policy statements have been summarized from the web pages of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.