29:105: Special Topics in Physics: Black Holes
Spring Semester 2003
Coordinator: Prof. Yannick Meurice
- Office:514 VAN
- Phone:335-1991
- Email:yannick-meurice@uiowa.edu
- Web page:http://www-hep.physics.uiowa.edu/~meurice/bh/ or link
- Seminar: The seminar will meet once a week 8:30-9:20 Tuesdays in
Room 301 VAN. It will be taught as 29:105,
Special Topics, for one s.h. and will be graded pass/fail (S-F).
The general theme of the seminar will be these peculiar solutions of
Einstein equations of general
relativity called "Black Holes". Except for basic knowledge in special
relativity at the Halliday and Resnick level, there is no
The talks will be given in part by faculty and in part by undergraduate
students. Profs. Lang, Polyzou, Reno and Rodgers have accepted to give
Robert M. Wald, a leading authority in black hole thermodynamics and in
quantum effects involving black holes, has kindly accepted to come at
The University of Iowa and give a colloquium on March 10 and
speak at the undergraduate seminar on March 11.
Robert M. Wald is a Charles H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in
the Department of Physics of the University of Chicago and the Enrico
Fermi Institute.
He is the author of numerous research articles and several books
including one of the textbooks used for the seminar. Some students have
already accepted to make presentations. Students interested
to give a talk should contact me. The schedule can be found at
Main textbooks:
R. Wald, Space, Time and Gravity, The Theory of Big Bang and Black
Holes, University of Chicago Press, 1992.
A. Taylor and J. Wheeler, Exploring Black Holes, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
H. Ohanian and R. Ruffini, Gravitation and Spacetime, Norton, 1994.
Additional references:
K. Thorne, Black Holes and Time Warps, Norton, 1994.
C. Misner, K. Thorne and J. Wheeler, Gravitation, Freeman, 1973.
P. A. M. Dirac, General Theory of Relativity, Princeton, 1975.
S. Weinberg, Gravitation and Cosmology, Wiley, 1972.
A reading assignment will be provided each week in order to prepare the
students for the next seminar. Students should plan on spending at
least two hours/week on readings.
Assignments will be posted at
The class will be graded as S-F. Students who complete the readings,
attend the seminars and become familiar with the basic material
will be given S. A few quizzes on elementary material will be given
occasionally in order to check that everybody is keeping up with the
new topics.
Complaint Procedures
You should feel free to express any dissatisfaction regarding the
course to me. ``Academic Misconduct'' and ``Student
Complaints Concerning Faculty Actions'' procedures are available for
review in the Schedule of Courses . The Department
Chairman, Prof. T. Boggess, can be contacted through the Main Office
Students with Disabilities
Any student who has a disability which may require some modification of
seating, testing or other class
requirements should see me after the class or
at a more convenient time so that appropriate arrangements can be made.