Week |
Assignment |
1 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 1 sections 1-7 Optional Readings: HOH Ch. 1 PS 1 (due next Wednesday 8/31 before class)
2 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 1 sections 8-13 Optional Readings: HOH Ch. 2 PS 2 (due next Wednesday 9/7 before class)
3 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 2 sections 1-7 Optional Readings: HOH Ch. 3 sections 1-3 PS 3 (due next Wednesday 9/14 before class)
4 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 2 sections 8-12 PS 4 (due next Wednesday 9/21 before class)
5 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 3 sections 1-6 Optional Readings: HOH Ch. 3 sections 4-5 PS 5 (due next Wednesday 9/28 before class)
6 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 3 sections 7-13 Midterm 1 on October 5 |
7 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 4 sections 1-4 Optional Readings: HOH Ch. 4 PS 6 (due next Wednesday 10/12 before class; a more precise formulation of the problems has been handed in class)
8 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 4 sections 5-7 PS 7 (due next Wednesday 10/19 before class) JDJ problems Ch. 3: 6, 9, 10, 13 ; Ch. 4: 1 |
9 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 5 sections 1-5 PS 8 (due Friday 10/28 before class) JDJ problems Ch. 4: 3, 8, 10 and 13; Ch. 5: 1 |
10 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 5 sections 6-11 PS 9 (due Friday 11/4 before class) JDJ problems Ch. 5: 2, 3, 6, 13 and 15 |
11 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 5 sections 12-18 PS 10 (due Monday 11/14 before class) JDJ problems Ch. 5: 19, 22, 35 |
12 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 6 sections 1-5 midterm 2 (11/16) |
13 | Happy Thanksgiving! | |
14 | Readings: JDJ Ch: 6 sections 7-12 PS 11 (due Wednesday 11/30 before class) JDJ Ch. 6: 1, 2, 5 |
15 | PS 12 (due Wednesday 12/7 before class) JDJ Ch. 6: 12, 14, 18 and 19 |