The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Policies and Procedures
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the administrative
home of this course and governs matters such as the add/drop
deadlines, the second-grade-only option, and other related issues.
Different colleges may have different policies. Questions may be
addressed to 120 Schaeffer Hall or see the CLAS Academic
Electronic Communication
University policy specifies that students are responsible for all
official correspondences sent to their standard University of Iowa
e-mail address ( Students should check their account
frequently. (Operations Manual, III.II.15. 2.
Academic Fraud
Plagiarism and any other activities when students present
work that is not their own are academic fraud and are considered
by the College to be a very serious matter. Academic fraud is
reported by the instructor to the departmental DEO who enforces
the departmental consequences. The Associate Dean for
Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum is also informed. The
Associate Dean enforces collegiate consequences which may included
suspension or expulsion. See the CLAS
Making a Suggestion or a Complaint
Students with a suggestion or complaint should first
visit the instructor, then the course supervisor and the
departmental Associate chair. Paul Kleiber. Complaints must be
made within six months of the incident. See the CLAS
Accommodations for Disabilities
A student seeking academic accommodations should register with
Student Disability Services and meet privately with the course
instructor to make particular arrangements. For more information,
visit this site.
Understanding Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment subverts the mission of the University and
threatens the well-being of students, faculty, and staff. All members of the UI community
have a responsibility to uphold this mission and to contribute
to a safe environment that enhances learning. Incidents of
sexual harassment should be reported immediately. See the UI Comprehensive
on Sexual Harassment at
for assistance, definitions, and the full University policy.
Reacting Safely to Severe Weather
In severe weather, the class members should seek shelter
in the innermost part of the building, if possible at the lowest
level, staying clear of windows and free-standing expanses. The
class will continue if possible when the event is over.
(Operations Manual, IV. 16.14.
Scroll down to sections e and i for severe weather information.)
*The CLAS policy statements have been summarized from the web pages of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.