29:130 Electricity and Magnetism
29:130 Electricity and Magnetism Syllabus
Spring Semester 2000
Prof. Mary Hall (Hallsie) Reno
Course Policy
- Class Times:
Lectures will be given on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from 9:30-10:20 in 301 VAN. Lecture attendance is
strongly advised.
- Textbook:
The textbook is David Griffiths' Introduction to Electrodynamics, Third
Edition. There are a few books on reserve:
- Feynman and Sands, Feynman Lectures on Physics
- Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics
- Lorrain, Corson and Lorrain, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
Our textbook is a simplification of Jackson's graduate text (on reserve,
listed above).
- Homework Assignments:
will be assigned from the textbook and collected each
week. Show all work in order to get full credit for the problems.
Late homework is highly discouraged.
Students are encouraged to work
together on the problem sets, but the work submitted should be your own.
Course Grading Policies:
Three exams will be given, two
in-class exams and one during the final exam
period scheduled Noon Wednesday, May 10.
The exams are all
closed book, but you may bring a
handwritten 4x6 notecard to the exam. The course
grade is derived from:
exams 20% for each exam,
homework 40%. The final exam will not be comprehensive.
Plus/minus grading will be used.
Makeup exams will be scheduled
for students who miss an exam because of illness, mandatory
religious obligations, or other unavoidable circumstances or
University activities. In the case of illness, the student is advised
to contact the professor before the exam is held if at all possible.
Only in very exceptional cases will a makeup exam be arranged when
prior arrangements have not been made.
Complaints, Plagiarism and Cheating:
"Academic Misconduct" and "Student Complaints Concerning Faculty
Actions" procedures are available for
your review in the Spring Schedule of Courses, page 43-44.
If you have concerns or complaints about the course,
you should see me first. You can go to
the department associate chair Prof. Tom Boggess (he can be contacted
through the Main Office 203 VAN)
if your response is not satisfactory.
If you still have concerns, you should then go to
Dean Lindberg, Associate Dean for Academic Programs.
An avenue for feedback is the distribution of ACE forms late
in the semester.
I need to hear from anyone who has a disability which
may require some modification of seating, testing or other class requirements
so that appropriate arrangements may be made. Please
see me after class or during my office hours.
Topics covered
The second semester of the two semester electrodynamics course sequence
is devoted mainly to time dependent fields, including Maxwell's equations,
electromagnetic waves, radiation from accelerating charges, special
relativity, conservation laws and the potential formulation.
We will cover Chapters 7-12 in the