Maxwell's Equations, Electrostatics, Magnetostatics and Electromagnetic Waves. (Approximately the first 8 chapters of Jackson's book).
The students taking 29:213 are assumed to be familiar with classical electrodynamics at an undergraduate level, in particular with Maxwell's equations and basic vector calculus (e.g. as presented in Feynman's Lectures, Vol.2 or in Griffiths "Introduction to Electotrodynamics").
The main textbook is : J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics; 3rd Edition, Wiley. I will do my best to follow the notations and the terminology used in this textbook.
A reading assignment and a homework will be given at least once a week. Students are encouraged to discuss the questions among themselves, however the homework should reflect accurately the individual understandings of the questions. Homeworks will be posted at . The students should be prepared to spend between 2 and 3 hours doing exercises and reading for each hour spent in the classroom.
Two midterm exams will be given approximately after the first and second third of the semester. The final grade will be based on homeworks (20 percent), midterms (50 percent) and the final exam (30 percent). For more detail about the final see
Attendance at lectures is highly recommended but not required. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions during the lectures. There are no ``stupid questions''.
You should feel free to express any dissatisfaction regarding the course to me. ``Academic Misconduct'' and ``Student Complaints Concerning Faculty Actions'' procedures are available for your review in the Spring 1999 Schedule of Courses, pp. 43-44. The Department Chairman, Prof. W. Polyzou, can be contacted through the Main Office 203 VAN. As stated in the procedures noted above, complaints or comments regarding TAs should first be directed to the instructor.
Any student who has a disability which may require some modification of seating, testing or other class requirements should see me after the class or at a more convenient time so that appropriate arrangements can be made.