Readings. J: ; Chapter 6, sections 3 to 8. Exercises: Chapter 5: 15 (note the misprint in the first equation: the second term is +order((d/rho)^2)), 22, 34 a. ; Chapter 6: 1, Derive explicitly equation (6.37) from (6.36).
Readings. J: ; Chapter 6, sections 9 to 13. Exercises: Chapter 5: 35 a and b, 36 a; Chapter 6: 2 a and b, 5 a and b.
Readings. J: Chapter 7 sections 1 to 3. Exercises: Chapter 6: 11 a, 14, 15 and 18.
Readings. J: Chapter 7 sections 4 to 7. Exercises: Chapter 6: 19, 20, 23 and Chapter 7: 1.
Readings. J: Chapter 7 sections 8 to 11. Exercises: Show explicitly that "the ellipse traced out by E has its axes rotated by alpha/2." (J. p.300) Derive formulas 7.39 to 7.41 in J. Chapter 7: 2, 6 and 13.
Readings. J: Chapter 8
Part 1: March 1, Fundamentals (closed book): 6: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10; 7: 1,2, 5, 8; 8: 1 to where we will be. Part 2: March 8, Applications (open book).
Readings. J: Chapter 9 sections 1 to 4. Exercises: 7: 18a, 22b; 8: 2ab, 5 and 6.
Readings. J: Chapter 9 sections 6 to 8; chapter 9 sections 1 and 2. Exercises: Derive equations 9.18 and 9.30 8: 8a; 9: 2, 8ab.
Readings. J: Chapter 10 sections 3 to 10. Exercises: 8:1; 9: 16a and 17ab; 10: 1, 5a; Derive Eqs. (10.22) and (10.27).
Readings. J: Chapter 11 Exercises: 9: 8a ; 10: 11 and 16; 11: 3, 4.
Readings. J: Chapter 12 Exercises: Derive Eqs. 19, 99.3,140 and 149. Ex: 11: 10, 14 and 23. Midterm 2: Monday 4/24
Readings. J: Chapter 14 Exercises: Derive Eq. 12.133(1) from Eq. 12.129;Eq. 14.14 from 14.11; Problems: 12: 3 and 9; 14: 26.