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Linear Maps

State of the System: A real number x.

Rule of Evolution: tex2html_wrap_inline497 , where a and b are parameters which we can fixed at our will but which stay constant during the evolution.

Motivations: Given a well-behaved function g, a point y and a sufficiently small value of x, we have tex2html_wrap_inline509 where a and b can be calculated with the help of calculus (it is called a Taylor expansion). In other words, at a sufficiently small scale, a curve looks like straight line.

``Real Life'' Example: A simple application of the linear map is the following. Let us call tex2html_wrap_inline515 the amount of money deposited in a bank at a given time, tex2html_wrap_inline517 the amount of money on the account a year after, tex2html_wrap_inline519 the amount of money on the account two years after, etc... To calculate tex2html_wrap_inline517 , tex2html_wrap_inline523 , we assume that an interest of 5 percent is added every year, that the bank gives a fixed amount (say 1 dollar) every year to its customers and that no additional money is deposited. The evolution rule is then tex2html_wrap_inline525 .

Main Result: If tex2html_wrap_inline527 , the system has a fixed point tex2html_wrap_inline529 such that if tex2html_wrap_inline531 , then tex2html_wrap_inline533 . We can discuss the evolution using either graphical methods (see ``graphical representation .. `` below) or by algebraic methods. If we write tex2html_wrap_inline535 , tex2html_wrap_inline537 , etc. , then a little algebra shows that tex2html_wrap_inline539 . It is easy to study the series tex2html_wrap_inline541 . If b<0, the signs altenate otherwise the series is the same as for |b|. If |b|<1 then tex2html_wrap_inline549 becomes smaller and smaller when n increases and tex2html_wrap_inline553 tends to its fixed point value. Such a fixed point is called attractive. if |b|>1 then tex2html_wrap_inline549 becomes larger and larger, and tex2html_wrap_inline553 moves away from the fixed point. Such a fixed point is called repulsive. When the fixed point is repulsive, if you start on the right of the fixed point you move farther right when n increases. But if you start on the left of the fixed point, you move farther left. If b=1, then tex2html_wrap_inline565 and tex2html_wrap_inline553 goes to infinity but at a slower rate than when |b|>1 (linear rather than exponential). If b=-1, tex2html_wrap_inline573 , tex2html_wrap_inline575 and we are back at our starting point after two steps. We call this particular type of periodic behavior a 2-cycle.

Important Concepts: Attractive and repulsive fixed point, 2-cycle.

Graphical Representations and Examples

It is often convenient to represent graphically the series tex2html_wrap_inline577 . For this purpose we draw the function used for the map (here a+bx). The graph of the function a+bx is a straight line, so we only need two points to draw it. For instance at x=0, the value of the function is a and for x=1, the value of the function is a+b. We then pick tex2html_wrap_inline515 on the x-axis, go vertically to the function, in other words, we will be at the point tex2html_wrap_inline595 . We would like to repeat the procedure with tex2html_wrap_inline517 . In order to do that, we need to move tex2html_wrap_inline517 on the x-axis and so we move horizontally to the x=y line and we arrive at the tex2html_wrap_inline605 point. We have now tex2html_wrap_inline517 on the x-axis, we move vertically to the function and arrive at the point tex2html_wrap_inline611 and so on. This procedure is illustrated in examples which illustrate the six cases dicussed above.

Figure: 10 Iterations of the linear map with a=1, b=0.7 and tex2html_wrap_inline437

Figure: 10 Iterations of the linear map with a=1, b=-0.7 and tex2html_wrap_inline437

Figure: 10 Iterations of the linear map with a=1, b=1 and tex2html_wrap_inline437

Figure: 10 Iterations of the linear map with a=1, b=-1 and tex2html_wrap_inline437

Figure: 10 Iterations of the linear map with a=1, b=1.3 and tex2html_wrap_inline437

Figure: 10 Iterations of the linear map with a=1, b=-1.3 and tex2html_wrap_inline437

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Yannick Meurice
Fri Feb 5 00:40:00 CST 1999