29::196 Computational Physics: Assignments  for week 7

Revised hw (due 3/24)

Modular programming for Matthieu instability
Poincare sections for two coupled oscillators (sample notebook with modules)
(More advanced questions for the double pendulum)

Iterate z->z^2-1 8 times, display the complex zeros of the resulting polynomials obtained at
succesive orders.  Generate a decent graph using Mathematica and gnuplot.
See templates:   (writinginafile.nb file),  (zps8.plt file),     + 3 data files (first data file)  (second data file)  
(third data file)

Genrate 10,000 random numbers between 1 and 100 (both included); sort the numbers in 10 equal bins;
repeat the experiment 400 times and record the 10 values each time, calculate and display average and standard
deviation in each bin. Use the file MersenneTwister.h  (see mersenneex.cpp  for a simple implementation)

Midterm projects

Codes for project due 3/10. Format: problem similar to a challenging problem in Giordano; the basic
physics equations should be understandable by the students.
Classical mechanics, dynamical systems or  random numbers are good topics.
Should involve Mathematica and C++
Class presentations on 3/11 (10 minutes for presentations; 5 minutes for questions). You should be able to run your code
during the presentation.