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Read the lectures notes about example 5 (the quadratic map) in the first section of Part 1.

Read chapters 1 to 5 in Chance and Chaos.


Due FRIDAY February 12

  1. Describe as completely as possible the evolution of the system defined by the evolution rule tex2html_wrap_inline27 for tex2html_wrap_inline29 and a=7/10. Calculate tex2html_wrap_inline33 . What would tex2html_wrap_inline33 be if we had taken tex2html_wrap_inline37 ? Which conclusions can you draw regarding small changes in the initial conditions?

  2. (related to two independent circular motions of respective periods tex2html_wrap_inline39 and tex2html_wrap_inline41 ) Draw the lines describing the evolution of the system for tex2html_wrap_inline43 . Compare your results at times tex2html_wrap_inline45 with the results of the previous exercise . After how long does the system return to its initial state? How would your results be affected if you had taken x(0)=0.001 instead of x(0)=0?

Yannick Meurice
Fri Feb 5 01:02:34 CST 1999