State of the System: The position of a point on a circle. This position can be specified using the angle made by a radius passing by the point and some direction of reference. Dividing this angle expressed in degrees by , we obtain a number x between 0 and 1. Since and are the same thing, 0 and 1 are identified. For the same reason, if x is increased or decreased exactly by 1,2,3.... it does not change the state of the system. In the following, we use the notation x Modulo 1 to say that we discard the integral part of x. We also say, for instance, that . Also, when we say that the distance between two points is d, we always mean that we have taken the shortest path between these two points. For instance, we say that the distance between 0.1 and 0.9 is 0.2 and not 0.8, the shortest path consisting in going from 0.9 to 1 which is 0, and from 0 to 0.1.
Rule of Evolution: For the uniform circular motion we have , where T is the time taken for a complete revolution (often called the period). The change in x is linear in t, in other words x increases continuously at a fixed rate. For the stroboscopic observations we have where a is the time between two observations divided by T.
Motivations: The second rule describes the positions, at successive and equally separated instants, for instance of a point in uniform circular motion. The successive positions are then , , ....and can be calculated using the continuous rule of evolution. We obtain that . The idea of stroboscopic observation will play an important role in the next example.
Main Results:
The evolution rule implies that . If a is rational, the evolution is periodic. More precisely, if , then . For simplicity, we will assume that a is written in the simplest way, i.e. that there are no integers that divide exactly both and . For instance if a=0.4, we write and not .
With this assumption, it is possible to show that during this cycle of length , all the values , , ,... are only obtained once. (The mathematically inclined might want to prove this statement by first asuming that one of the possible values with , appears twice in the first steps and that this assumption leads to an inconsistency; consequently the assumption is wrong) This is illustrated in Fig. for a=23/33.
If a is irrational, the system never returns exactly to its initial state after a finite number of steps. To see this suppose it returns to its inatial value after n steps. This would mean that na=m for some integer m. But this would mean that a is a rational number contrarily to the hypothesis. However, it will return as close as we want, if we take enough steps. We have seen in subsection , that an irrational number can be obtained as the limit of a sequence of rational approximations. If we consider better and better rational approximations for a, we obtain longer and longer cycles. As an example, if we take , we can follow the Newton's method discussed previoulsy and calculate successive rational approximations for a: . In this example the successive cycles will be of length 2, 12, 408.... Taking the limit, we see that the cycle becomes infinitely long and the intermediate values cover the interval [0,1] uniformly. We call this type of behavior ergodic.
Poincaré Cycles. This is a disgression for the mathematically inclined. Instead of following the evolution of 1 point, we can consider the evolution of all the points between and, say, . The distance between the points at the beginning and the end of the interval is 0.01. After one step, the interval (denoted ) has evolved into all the points between and which is also an interval of length 0.01. If we repeat the evolution 100 times, we obtain 101 intervals of length 0.01 (including the initial one). If we assume that all these intervals have no common parts, we have to conclude that the total length covered by these intervals is which is impossible since all the possible states of the system form an interval of length one. So at least two intervals must have a common part (which must be more than a single point). Suppose that after inspection we discover that the intervals and share a subinterval of, say, length 0.002, then the distance between and is less then 0.01, and so is the distance between and , and and so on (the translation by a does not change the distance between two points). These approximate cycles are called Poincaré cycles. In general, we can use the same argument to show that after n steps, at least one one of the , ,.... will return at a distance less than 1/n from .
Important Concepts: Cycles, periodicity, ergodicity.
Exercise : Describe as completely as possible the evolution of the system (at stroboscopic time) for and a=3/10. Calculate . What would be if we had taken . Which conclusions can you draw regarding small changes in the initial conditions?
Exercise : Calculate , .... in the case and . What is the smallest distance between two points of the sequence and how many steps are there between these two points. Can you understand this result from the rational approximations of constructed in the previous Exercise ?