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Two Independent Uniform Circular Motions.

State of the System: Two points on their respective circle. Using the same conventions as before, we call these two points x and y, each of them considered tex2html_wrap_inline881 .

Rule of Evolution:



Motivations: This rule describes two points in independent uniform circular motion with respective periods tex2html_wrap_inline887 and tex2html_wrap_inline889 . The evolution of realistic systems like the double pendulum is more evolved, however the concepts developed in the simplified case will remain useful. See also Chapter 10 of Chance and Chaos and especially the Notes related to this chapter (p.177).

Main Results: The evolution consists in straight lines of slope tex2html_wrap_inline891 drawn on a square where the opposite sides are identified (one obtains some kind of ``doughnut'' (called torus by mathematicians) this way). If tex2html_wrap_inline891 is rational the line ends up retracing its former path (periodicity). If tex2html_wrap_inline891 is irrational, the line never retraces exactly its former path and covers uniformly (after an infinite amount of time) the torus (ergodicity). In the second case, we often say that the evolution is quasiperiodic.

In order to understand these results, one can first notice that if we temporarily forget about the tex2html_wrap_inline881 instruction, the evolution consists in straight lines because the change in x is proportional to the change in y at any time. The tex2html_wrap_inline881 instructions amount to identifying the tex2html_wrap_inline905 squares which can be used to tile the x-y plane.

This is illustrated in Fig. gif.

Figure: An example with x(0)=0.1, y(0)=0, tex2html_wrap_inline913 and tex2html_wrap_inline915

The conditions for having periodic or ergodic behavior are very similar to those found in the previous example. We can observe the motion of x at stroboscopic times in such a way that at each observation y has returned at its initial position. For instance we can take tex2html_wrap_inline921 and the successive positions of x are described as in the previous example with tex2html_wrap_inline925 . If tex2html_wrap_inline927 is irrational, x will take all the possible values while y stays at its initial value. We can then repeat the reasoning starting at slightly larger times and so on, and convince ourselves that if tex2html_wrap_inline927 is irrational, the entire square will be covered.

Important Concepts: Quasiperiodicity and the same concepts as in the previous Example .

Exercise : Draw the lines describing the evolution of the system for tex2html_wrap_inline935 . Compare your results at tex2html_wrap_inline937 with the results of Exercises of the previous examples. After how long does the system return to its initial state? How would your results be affected if you had taken x(0)=0.001 instead of x(0)=0?

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Yannick Meurice
Fri Feb 5 00:40:00 CST 1999